Healthy Tips

Will eating Biryani once a week make me fat?

Written by Healthy

Eating Biryani once a week by itself is unlikely to make you gain weight, as long as you maintain a calorie balance, which means consuming the same number of calories that you burn through your daily activities and exercise.

However, Biryani is typically high in calories and fat, especially if it is made with oil, ghee, and a lot of meat. So, it is important to consider the portion size and the frequency of eating it. Eating a large portion or eating it more frequently will contribute to weight gain if you are not burning the same amount of calories.

It’s also important to note that weight gain is not only a result of eating a certain food, but also the overall diet and lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight.

It’s also important to not demonize certain foods, and to have a flexible approach to dieting. Eating a variety of foods in moderation, including Biryani, in a balanced diet can be a healthy way to enjoy different tastes and flavors.

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